Showing posts with label psr-2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psr-2. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2015

Fixing PSR2 errors with phpcbf and integration with Netbeans 8

I used my own style  formatting the code until now (I  am still using Notepad++ to edit my code, and I hit the TAB to indent  the code). I've read about the PSR-2 coding style guide and I want to follow it from now, but what  about the code already written? There is a solution for that :
PHP Code Sniffer and  PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer. On my home laptop I installed also NetBeans and I made efforts to integrate these static analysis tools with NetBeans 8 on Windows 7.

Some good articles about this topic:
 But still the mother fucker "phpcbf" was not fixing my code:

              "diff" is not recognized as an internal or external command....  

On Windows machines there is a problem with the --diff option (another reason to move to Linux), you need to specify  "--no-patch"

I decided to run it form command line and not from NetBeans.  My phpcbf command to fix the errors was:

"..path.. to phpcbf.bat"  "fix" "--no-ansi" "--verbose" "--dry-run" "--no-patch" "--format=xml" "--no-interaction" "--level=psr2" "--config=sf20" "C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC9\data\localweb\myFrontController"

Inside the file "phpcbf.bat" you may need to add manually the path to php.exe and to phpcbf (with no extension)