Showing posts with label dependency injection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dependency injection. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2016

Symfony DIC: setter injection

Most of the time, when defining a service I inject into constructor parameters or other services. But it is possible to use the Symfony DIC to inject parameters/services into setter methods:

         class:     NewsletterManager
             - [setMailer, ['@my_mailer']]


setMailer  - is the name of the method
['@my_mailer'] - is the name of the service being injected

Practical example with Sonata

If you are using Sonata Admin Bundle and Sonata User Bundle, you may want to access the Entity Manager for some reasons. For this we will inject the service ''@doctrine.orm.entity_manager" using a setter method.

I will create a bundle named ApplicationSonataAdminUserBundle where I will place my new Admin class. In the project's services.yml I will add the new service definition:

        class: Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Admin\Model\UserAdmin
        arguments: [~,"%sonata.user.admin.user.entity%","SonataAdminBundle:CRUD"]
            - [setUserManager, ['@fos_user.user_manager']]
            - [setTranslationDomain, ['%sonata.user.admin.user.translation_domain%']]
             - [setEntityManager, ["@doctrine.orm.entity_manager"]]
            - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: "sonata_user", label: "users", label_catalogue: "SonataUserBundle",label_translator_strategy: "sonata.admin.label.strategy.underscore",icon: "<![CDATA[<i class='fa fa-users'></i>]]>" }

And of course in the class I will add the setter method "setAuthorizationChecker":

use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;

class UserAdmin extends AbstractAdmin

    protected $entityManager;

    public function setEntityManager(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;


Friday, February 5, 2016

Why and how to use services in Symfony


Symfony follows the philosophy of “thin controllers and fat models”. This means that controllers should hold just the thin layer of glue-code needed to coordinate the different parts of the application.
As a rule of thumb, you should follow the 5-10-20 rule, where controllers should only define 5 variables or less, contain 10 actions or less and include 20 lines of code or less in each action. This isn't an exact science, but it should help you realize when code should be refactored out of the controller and into a service. Source:
A unit test is a test against a single PHP class, also called a unit. If you want to test the overall behavior of your application, then use Functional Tests. Because controllers glue together the different parts of the applications they are not usually tested with Unit Tests, instead they are tested with Functional Tests.

Organizing Your Business Logic

Useful info:
It is very easy to start writing business logic into controller, but this way we will end up with a large function, difficult to read which will break separation of concerns principle and makes it impossible to test only the business logic.
In order to better organize the code, additional classes should be created. Let's take as an example a class that handles file uploading. Basically it receives the $file uploaded in form and the path where to save the file with a unique name in order to avoid collisions with previous uploaded files. The function returns the name of the file saved on the disk to be persisted in database.
namespace YourBundle\Utils;
Class FileUpload
    public function upload(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $file, $uploadDir)
            // Generate a unique name for the file before saving it
            $fileName = md5(uniqid()).$file->guessExtension();
            // Move the file to the directory where uploads are stored
            $file->move($uploadDir, $fileName);
            // Update the 'Attachement' property to store the  file name
            // instead of its contents
            return $fileName;
The file uploading method is based on this article from documentation:
In your controller, the FileUpload class will be used like this:

use YourBundle\Utils\FileUpload;
public function createAction(Request $request)
     if ($form->isValid()) {
            // $file stores the uploaded  file
            //  @var Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $file 
            $file = $product->getBrochure();
            // Obtain from parameters the directory where brochures are stored
            $uploadDir = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir').'/../web/uploads/brochures';
            //use FileUpload class
            $uploader= new FileUpload();
            $fileName = $uploader->upload($file, $uploadDir);
            // Update the 'brochure' property to store the  file name
            // instead of its contents
            // ... persist the $product variable or any other work
            return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('app_product_list'));
OK, so now we have a testable function upload() which can be tested independently from the rest of the controller, we just need a mock object of type 'Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile' and a path.

Maintaining the code


We are very happy with the result and we started using this class in all controllers, just that at some point we receive a request to change the path where to save the file uploaded. This means we need to search in all controllers and change this line:

$uploadDir = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir').'/../web/uploads/brochures';

In order to prevent this in future we can declare a parameter in a local parameters.yml which is imported in the global one:

    yourbundle.upload_dir:  '%kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/attachments/YourBundle/Upload'

and use it in all controllers:

$uploadDir = $this->container->getParameter('yourbundle.upload_dir');


Now we are happy again and think nothing bad can happen to our code :). But then again there is a request to save the files to a second path, a Back Up folder let's say. We could do this by adding a third parameter in the upload() function:

public function upload(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $file, $uploadDir, $uploadDirBackUp)

And we have to modify in all controllers where we are using this function. We will declare this BackUp dir as a parameter also and use it like this:

$uploadDirBackUp = $this->container->getParameter('yourbundle.upload_dir_backup');
$fileName = $uploader->upload($file, $uploadDir, $uploadDirBackUp);

So we realize that injecting dependencies directly in our function is not a solution. Usually the recommended way to inject dependencies is in constructor definition or by using setters. Let's inject dependencies in constructor:

namespace YourBundle\Utils;
Class FileUpload
    public function __construct($uploadDir, $uploadDirBackUp)
        $this->uploadDir = $uploadDir;
        $this->uploadDirBackUp = $uploadDirBackUp;
    public function upload(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $file)
            // Generate a unique name for the file before saving it
            $fileName = md5(uniqid()).$file->guessExtension();
            // Move the file to the directory where uploads are stored
            $file->move($this->uploadDir, $fileName);
Even if the dependencies are injected in constructor, we would still have to modify all the controllers:

use YourBundle\Utils\FileUpload;
public function createAction(Request $request)
            // Move the file to the directory where brochures are stored
            $uploadDir = $this->container->getParameter('yourbundle.upload_dir');
            $uploadDirBackUp = $this->container->getParameter('yourbundle.upload_dir_backup');
            $uploader= new FileUpload($uploadDir,$uploadDirBackUp);
            $fileName = $uploader->upload($file);
The solution? Creating a service!

What is a Service?

Put simply, a Service is any PHP object that performs some sort of “global” task. It's a purposefully-generic name used in computer science to describe an object that's created for a specific purpose (e.g. delivering emails). Each service is used throughout your application whenever you need the specific functionality it provides. You don't have to do anything special to make a service: simply write a PHP class with some code that accomplishes a specific task. Congratulations, you've just created a service!
As a rule, a PHP object is a service if it is used globally in your application. A single Mailer service is used globally to send email messages whereas the many Message objects that it delivers are not services. Similarly, a Product object is not a service, but an object that persists Product objects to a database is a service.
A Service Container (or dependency injection container) is simply a PHP object that manages the instantiation of services (i.e. objects).

Create the service

In your bundle create a file called services.yml under Resources\config

        class: YourBundle\Utils\FileUpload
        arguments: ['%yourbundle.upload_dir%','%yourbundle.upload_dir_backup%' ]
Now the class will not be directly instantiated, instead we will access it from the container. In controller:

   $fileUpload = $this->get('yourbundle_file_upload_service');           
   $fileName = $fileUpload->upload($file);
What we've accoplished? Now each time we want to add or modify a dependency we need to edit just in two places: in the services.yml file and in the contruct() function. 

 Note: make sure that your bundle is not configured to expect a XML (services.xml) file in YourBundle\DependencyInjection\YourExtension.php:

 $loader = new Loader\YamlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(DIR__.'/../Resources/config'));
