Wednesday, July 1, 2015

First step

I started learning PHP and I decided to keep a diary of my progress. Also I like the idea of giving back to community. As I learned from other peoples blogs and messages on StackOverflow, maybe one day somebody will find answers to their questions reading my blog.

After reading the about HTML, some CSS and PHP on W3School, I moved to  "PHP Cookbook, 3rd Edition" by David Sklar and Adam Trachtenberg. So I have an idea of the basic staff, what should I do next? How do you get from beginner to advanced? (you can have a look here )

So I moved on reading about MVC,  HMVC and I found out about Front Controller design patten. According to Wikipedia almost everyone uses front controller:

Several web-tier application frameworks implement the Front Controller pattern, among them:

I've read some blog posts on this topic and started building my own.


I am working on 2 Windows machines (at work and at home). I installed EasyPHP  which contains  Apache/PHP/MySQL stack +
I am using Notepad++ as text editor.
I have previous experience with programming, data structures, databases but not with PHP and generally with web programming

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