Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Watch out! XDebug 3 will not work with some older PHPStorm versions

 I lost like half a day till a figure it out why XDebug from my Docker container will not work properly with PHPStorm.

In Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > PHP, add a new CLI Interpreter. Choose the Docker option, and PHPStorm will automatically find the Xdebug image for you.

At the end of this step I would see correct version of PHP, correct version of XDebug but an error message like: Xdebug: [Step Debug] Could not connect to debugging client (tried using xdebug.client_host ..).

It was driving me nuts, the debugger would stop at first line in code and when going to next breakpoint would just idle.

Short term solution: edit dockerfile to install older XDebug version:

# install xdebug
RUN pecl install xdebug-2.6.1
RUN docker-php-ext-enable xdebug

Long term solution: buy a newer PHPStorm version :) 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Symfony file upload mysterious error

Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception\FileNotFoundException: "The file "" does not exist" at /var/app/current/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/File/MimeType/MimeTypeGuesser.php line 116 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\File\\Exception\\FileNotFoundException(code: 0): The file \"\" does not exist at /var/app/current/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/File/MimeType/MimeTypeGuesser.php:116)"}

If you see this error the odds are high that you are trying to upload a file larger than the max values set in you php.ini config file (upload_max_filesize and post_max_size).

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Symfony service container: binding arguments by name or type

This cool feature was introduced in Symfony 3.4 (https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-3-4-local-service-binding) but I didn't use till today.

Example: create a custom Monolog channel and inject the service in controller (Symfony 4).
I was thinking that I will have to create some sort of custom service definition in order to inject the service "monolog.logger.mychannel" into my controller, but no, it was way easier.

In services.yaml  just add:

    # default configuration for services in *this* file
            # pass this service to any $mychannelLogger argument for any
            # service that's defined in this file
            $mychannelLogger: '@monolog.logger.mychannel'

Now is super easy to inject the service in controllers by adding "$mychannelLogger" in the list of function parameters:

     * @Route("/{id}", name="project_update", methods={"POST"})
    public function delete(Request $request, LoggerInterface $mychannelLogger): Response

Read more about it in Symfony docs: https://symfony.com/doc/current/service_container.html#services-binding

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Custom user provider using multiple database connections with Doctrine and Symfony 4

Situation :

I am using Symfony 4.3 and autowiring.

I have 2 Doctrine database connections, a default and "users" connection:

        default_connection: default

        auto_generate_proxy_classes: true
        default_entity_manager: default
                connection: default
                        is_bundle: false
                        type: annotation
                        dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity/Main'
                        prefix: 'App\Entity\Main'
                        alias: Main
                connection: users
                        is_bundle: false
                        type: annotation
                        dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity/UsersManagement'
                        prefix: 'App\Entity\UsersManagement'
                        alias: Users

So my User entity was managed by the secondary connection "users". Checking from command line would show me that everything is mapped correctly:

php bin/console doctrine:mapping:info --em=users

 Found 7 mapped entities:

 [OK]   App\Entity\UsersManagement\User

Also when loading users I am using a customer query by making UserRepository implement the UserLoaderInterface. (https://symfony.com/doc/current/security/user_provider.html).

    # https://symfony.com/doc/current/security.html#where-do-users-come-from-user-providers
                class: App\Entity\UsersManagement\User

But when I try to login, ugly surprise this error pops:
 "The class 'App\Entity\UsersManagement\User' was not found in the chain configured namespaces App\Entity\Main" 

 After googling a little bit I get to this life saving comment from stof: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/8187#issuecomment-18910167

Here is how you configure it:

                class: Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\User
                manager_name: users  #non default entity manager

So there is a 'secret' parameter "manager_name" that you need to add to security.yml and is not enough that the entity is correctly mapped by Doctrine.

If somebody ever finds this useful please add a comment :D

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Automated API testing using Codeception

I was looking for a tool for testing an API, and I remembered about my old friend Codeception, which I used for some functional testing a while ago. I need now to test an API which is receiving requests and gives responses using JSON format.

Install Codeception via Composer
$ composer require "codeception/codeception" 
Create an alias so you do not have to write the entire path every time you execute a command:
$ alias codecept='./vendor/bin/codecept'
Create an API test suite:
$ codecept generate:suite api
Edit the configuration file  tests/api.suite.yml:

class_name: ApiTester
        - \Helper\Api
        - REST:
            url: "http://yourwebste.com/"
            depends: PhpBrowser
            part: Json

I will be using "Cest" format:  "Cest combines scenario-driven test approach with OOP design. In case you want to group a few testing scenarios into one you should consider using Cest format."

$ codecept generate:cest api UsersTestCest
This command is creating a PHP file under tests/api/.  
Before starting to write my first tests I need to find a way to pass a username and password to all tests, as it is needed for connecting to the API.
I can add any parameters to the api.suite.yml and access them inside my test classes:

class_name: ApiTester
        - \Helper\Api
        - REST:
            url: "http://yourwebsite.com"
            depends: PhpBrowser
            part: Json
    username: "username"
    password: "password"

 And inside tests/api/UsersTestCest.php

class UsersTestCest
    private $username;
    private $password;

    public function _before(ApiTester $I)
        $config = \Codeception\Configuration::config();
        $apiSettings = \Codeception\Configuration::suiteSettings('api', $config);
        $this->username = $apiSettings['params']['username'];
        $this->password = $apiSettings['params']['password'];

The function "_before()" will be executed as it names says, before actual test functions, and it will  initialize the variables with values from api.suite.yml file.

Let's write the first test function:

public function createUser(ApiTester $I)
        $action = "create_user";
        $I->haveHttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

            "action"=> $action,
            "username"=> $this->username,
            "key"=> $this->password,
            "user_username"=> "new_username",
            "user_email"=> "email@company.com",
            "user_password"=> "password"
        $string = json_encode($array);
        $I->seeResponseCodeIs(\Codeception\Util\HttpCode::OK); // 200
            'operation' => 'string',
            'status' => 'string',

The link where the request is sent with the function sendPost() is the concatenation between the URL parameter from api.suite.yml and the first parameter in sentPost() function.
You can check if the response has HTTP status 200, if it is in JSON format and if the JSON has the expected structure.
Even more you can create your own assertions. These custom functions needs to be added to the file "tests/_support/ApiTester.php".
I will add a function to verify if the "status" field from the response is equal to '1'

namespace Helper;
class will be available in $I
use Codeception\TestInterface;

class Api extends \Codeception\Module
    public function checkOperationStatusSuccess()
        $response = $this->getModule('REST')->response;
        $array = json_decode($response, true);
        $this->assertEquals('1',$array['status'],"Operation status should be '1' for success.");

Run all tests with this command:
codecept run api -v

Or only tests from certain class:
$ codecept run tests/api/UsersTestCest.php -v
The tests are executed in the alphabetic order of the classes, but you can use the annotation "@depends" to indicated that your test function depends on other one(s). 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Web SSO - part 2 - integration with LDAP

In my previous article I presented how to create a web SSO system using SimpleSAMLphp and Symfony. The users where declared directly in simpleSAMLphp using "exampleauth:UserPass".

In many companies a LDAP server is the source from where information about user authentication is taken. I will install  OpenLDAP and configure my applications to use it.

1. Install OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin

For installing OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin I followed this tutorials from DigitalOcean:


You will need to edit also the ldap.conf file, see this thread on StackOverflow

Also you may get an error when trying to login with phpLDAPadmin  "Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in ..". 
For me this solution from StackOverflow solved the problem:

"Just add the user wich is running Apache2 (or php5-fpm!) to the system group "www-data" (debian) and restart services apache AND if used php5-fpm both.
Get the User apache is running as:

~# sed -rn 's/^User (.+)/\1/p' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf"

Using phpLDAPadmin I've created two groups "admin" and "regular_users" and also I've created some users allocated to these two groups.

2. Modify SimpleLDAPphp to use OpenLDAP

The documentation for using LDAP authentication is found here: https://simplesamlphp.org/docs/stable/ldap:ldap

My settings are:

Select LDAP authentication to be used from   /metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php

         *Authentication source to use. Must be one that is configured in
* 'config/authsources.php'.
'auth' => 'example-ldap',

3. Modify Symfony app

In the current Symfony application I am expecting an attribute roles containing an array of roles. From LDAP I will receive different attributes, one of them is gidNumber, which is a number identifying a group. My current groups: admin and regular_users have gidNumber 500 and 501.
I will be using these gidNumbers to correctly create roles in the Symfony application.

The changes to be made are done in the UserCreator class:

Of course you need to change these mappings to fit your situation.

4. Test

First make sure to delete any sessions and cookies. After that try to access the secure route from consumer1.local, login with any user from LDAP and you should be redirected to secure area. Check in database if the user and user roles were created correctly.

Web SSO with Symfony and SimpleSAMLphp

1. Single sign on (SSO)

Sooner or later web development teams face one problem: you have developed an application at domain X and now you want your new application at domain Y to use the same login information as the other domain. In fact, you want more: you want users who are already logged-in at domain X to be already logged-in at domain Y. This is what SSO is all about. (source: https://auth0.com/blog/what-is-and-how-does-single-sign-on-work )

2. Concepts:

Identity Provider (IdP)  - is responsible for (a) providing identifiers for users looking to interact with a system, (b) asserting to such a system that such an identifier presented by a user is known to the provider, and (c) possibly providing other information about the user that is known to the provider.

ServiceProvider (SP) - it can be any application. In order to access the secure areas of the application the user need to be authenticated and authorized by a IdP

SAML  - Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML, pronounced sam-el) is an XML-based, open-standard data format for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider. SAML is a product of the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee.

3. The flow

- the USER  requests a secure area from ServiceProvider
- if the user is not authenticated it is redirected to IdP with some information about SP
- the USER fills his credentials on IdP and after successful authentication is redirected back to SP
- based on the answer from IdP the SP creates the a new user or identify an existing one in his own database and creates a session.

4. Tools

SimpleSAMLphp - it can be used both as IdP and SP, I will be using it only as IdP
lightsaml/SP-Bundle - Symfony Bundle implementing the ServiceProvider

5. Implementation

5.1. Create and configure IdP

Install simpleSAMLphp following the documentation. I've created a virtualhost idp.local and the simpleSAMLphp is available at : http://idp.local/simplesamlphp

Next step is to configure simleSAMLphp as IdentityProvider following the quick guide using the exampleauth:UserPass authentication method.

I'll modify the defined users in config/authsources.php, by replacing the attribute "eduPersonAffilication" with 'roles':

      'student:studentpass' => array(
             'uid' => array('student'),
             'roles' => array('ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_SEF'),

To make it clear, you have just created a user "student" with password "studentpass". 
Skip the step 6 from the quick guide.
At the step 7 you need to enter the information about ServiceProviders. At this moment they do not exist, but they will, so you can fill the following 2 service providers:

$metadata['http://consumer1.local/saml'] = array(
    'AssertionConsumerService' => 'http://consumer1.local/app_dev.php/saml/login_check',
    'SingleLogoutService'      => 'https://consumer1.local/app_dev.php/logout',
    'simplesaml.nameidattribute' => 'uid',

$metadata['http://consumer2.local/saml'] = array(
    'AssertionConsumerService' => 'http://consumer2.local/app_dev.php/saml/login_check',
    'SingleLogoutService'      => 'https://consumer2.local/app_dev.php/logout',
    'simplesaml.nameidattribute' => 'uid',

I called them consumers because they consume the authentication service provided by IdP.
Skip steps from 8 to 11.

5.2 Create and configure SPs

Install Symfony and create a virtual host consumer1.local
We will be following the lightsaml/SP-Bundle documentation found here.

At step 7 configure your own entity_id and use the previously created IdP.

 -  First go to your IdP, it should be idp.local/simplesamlphp. Click on the Federation tab, you should see somewhere  SAML 2.0 IdP Metadata. Click on [Show metadata], copy the XML and createa file in your Symfony app: /src/AppBundle/Idp/idp.local.xml and paste the XML.
-  edit app/config.yml

At step 9 (and 11), please see below my security.yml:

Where /secure is a  just route I created for testing purpose. 

Step 10. Basically if the user logged in IdP does not exist in the database of the SP, in this case consumer1.local, it needs to be created.  For this reason a UserCreator class is made. In the documentation this class is able to identify the user id (uid) using a "username mapper" service. I will enhance that by adding an "attributes" mapper which will create an array with the other attributes passed from IdentityProvider. I want to pass a list of roles from IdP to SP.  If you remember I've added a list of 'roles' to my 'student' user. Below you can find a gist with the code for the AttributeMapper


Declare the attribute mapper service in app/services.yml:

   class: AppBundle\Security\User\AttributeMapper

Modify the UserCreator class:

Declare the User Creator service injecting in it our Attribute Mapper service:

        class: AppBundle\Security\User\UserCreator
            - "@=service('doctrine').getManager()"
            - "@lightsaml_sp.username_mapper.simple"
            - "@inno.attribute_mapper"
Also inject the attribute mapper service into the security.authentication.provider.lightsaml_sp service:

        class: LightSaml\SpBundle\Security\Authentication\Provider\LightsSamlSpAuthenticationProvider
            - ~ # provider key
            - ~ # user provider
            - ~ # force
            - "@security.user_checker"
            - "@lightsaml_sp.username_mapper.simple" # username mapper
            - ~ # user creator
            - "@inno.attribute_mapper" # attribute mapper
            - ~ # token factory
        abstract: true

5.3 Put your application at work

In browser try to access consumer1.local/app_dev.php/secure, because you are not authenticated
 you should be redirected to http://consumer1.local/app_dev.php/saml/discoveryClick on your IdP,
 you will be redirected to the IdP site where you will fill your user and password (student and 
studentpass. After that you are redirected to the secure page on cosumer1.local.You can check your
 database to see the newly created user. Now copy your Symfony installation and make another 
virtual host consumer2.local. Open the browser and try to access: consumer2.local/app_dev.php/securePick
 your IdP from discovery page, because you are already logged on IdP you will not be asked for 
password again, instead you are redirected to the secure page. Victory!In the next blog post I will
 investigate integrating LDAP with SimpleSAMLphp.